Review – Faithless by Karin Slaughter


Karin Slaughter


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When I pick up a Grant County book, I drum my fingers on the cover and think, “What am I going to learn about Sara, Jeffery and Lena in this book?” It’s a habit. Like I am waking up the characters, so I can be privileged to learn more about them and Grant County. 

Faithless ripped my heart out. The ultimate sacrifice and length people will go to protect their faith shouldn’t have shocked me, but it did. Family lies, secrets, a web of darkness unfolding right in front of me and I ate it up. This book had so many layers and themes leaving a haunting chill down my body. 

Jeffery’s character was front and center in this book. Determined for a rightful conclusion of a crime he couldn’t place his finger on. I got to see a side of him I wouldn’t normally see, caring. Not just about Sara, but the victim. His passion to solve this murder made my heart fuller than in any other book. 

Lena a lost soul. Finally coming into her own with Jeffrey guiding her. She finally realized her feelings for Ethan are as bad as an apple — that she came to terms with what she had to do — all because of the ending. Of someone else. Of a lie she couldn’t bare to strip herself of to let go and learn to be free.

The ending…. damn you Karin, brought me to tears! The protection, survival, the unwillingness to let your child go. All the agony, pain, and sacrifice a mother goes through in their final breaths brought me down. Karin had never done that before. She’s  never brought me so far into a hole of sadness quiet like this book.  Faithless was a different side, not only the characters, but the writer herself. Karin’s brilliance left me on edge, as sadness clung knowing I only have one more book left in the series.  

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Women who write thrillers are called “dark”. Male writers are called “powerful”. 

Karin Slaughter