Review – Shallow by Yessi Smith


Yessi Smith

Release Date: June 13th 2018





*ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review.*

I normally don’t read YA, and was skeptical to let Yessi down by getting into a book I couldn’t relate to. A book about something I wanted to forget about, high school. But there is a character in Shallow that is in all of us, even adults. 

Shallow is a modern day Breakfast Club that doesn’t disappoint! It’s more than a young adult novel, it’s a story about coming into your own, being true to yourself and allowing yourself to feel deeper than the hallways of high school. The novel centers around the hierarchy of high school at its strongest and weakest. The characters depth show the struggles and reality on how anyone past or present made it out the confines of the walls that labeled us. 

For parents, this novel takes you back into a time you either wanted to forget or loved remembering.  For teens, it brings you into a world you’re already in, helping you cope and relate to your current situation. And let me tell you, whatever your situation was/is Yessi hit the mark! 

It is often said two shallow people will find each other, but this book proves that theory wrong! This book doesn’t skim the surface feelings. It dives fully into each character, and how they represent their true self vs. false self in a world they’ve created. Brinley knows all about being shallow. A thin shield forcing her to fit in, when all she really wants to do stand out. She’s popular and callous. Hiding behind her false self, she submits and conforms while her true self angers from within waiting to break the mold she’s created for herself. Roderick, an outcast wants to go unnoticed. Unseen. Until Brinley finally sees him. Feels him. Loves him. Brinley and Roderick find each other, because they are meant to be together. Through words, a different world helps them collide, and they break the mold of high school, battling their plaguing feelings with beautiful and captivating emotional expression. 


Shallow is a powerful novel that all of our youth should read. And adults. It reminds us that we aren’t alone. Together we can walk beside each other and be who we are. And it also helps us remember that high school is only four years, but being true to who you are is something that lasts a lifetime. 


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Review – Releasing The Demons by L.D. Rose

Releasing The Demons 

L.D. Rose





I feel like I just read about a cool group of vampires. You know, the group that EVERYONE is talking about, but no one understands because they are dark, mysterious, and have their superhero capes on any chance they get? That exactly what this book is like. 

Set in a post-apocalyptic world, vampires have taken over the the five boroughs and humans are scared for their lives. Hooked within the first chapter, I was like, who is Blaze? What the fuck is going on? Oh hell no, I have to learn more. And boy I learned more. A LOT more. Its kind of like Cyrus is torturing me to say more, but I CAN’T in fear of letting that cool group of vampires down. Letting go of their secrets and giving away a really good plot. Because the plot was SOOOOOO DARRKKKK and SOOOOO GOOOOODD! 

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So, what does L.D. do to make Releasing the Demons even better? She centers the book around two characters, Blaze and Valerie. Both tough and angry. Both strong and seeking vengeance to protect their city. Together their blood carries emotions that takes us beyond the dark scenery, spinning a beautiful tale of two characters who prove that love can happen even when evil is lurking in the darkness.

As darkness thickens the plot, there are times where the book is light, funny and takes you into a story about strength, love and survival, but more importantly about family. 



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Photo Theme Thursday – Books that Changed Me

This is the first time ever I am bringing a photo theme Thursday to my blog. I should be doing it every week, but I am single minded… haha. There are so many books that have changed my life. I only picked a few that were on my shelf. This list doesn’t include digital copies of books, maybe a second photo for that one at another time. 

Some of these reasons are surface reasons, not really opening a full disclosure of why these books changed me. What can I say — I am writing this like I write my book reviews, short, to the point, and not giving too much away. 


(Reasons in order from bottom to top and you get to see my lovely fascination with trees)

The Good Daughter – Karin roped me into thrillers. And my life suddenly changed in sick and twisted ways. 

Steady as the Snow Falls- a beautiful challenging read, I learned to wrap my head around something I knew little about. It’s also a topic that isn’t discussed a lot in the romance community. 

Loved Hacked – I read this book at a time in my life I needed it the most. The plot hit close to home. It helped bring me back down from depression and reminded me to love again. 

Life Among the Savages- Shirley Jackson is a phenomenal writer. This collection of short stories once published in Women’s Magazines blew me away with parental anecdotes and timeless pieces of marriage humor. Being a parent and married, those types of books always have room in my heart.

November 9 – The first book signing I attended. 

The Bell Jar – I read this book when I was fourteen. It was the first book that I read on mental illness in fiction form. 

Love Letter to Whiskey – I don’t really do sappy and poetic romances, but this book is too darn beautiful, the story and Kandi’s writing. It also made me like Whiskey! LOL!

Practical Magic – The first book that brought me into the world of how magic lies in a fictional world. 


I would love to see your own Photo Theme Thursday and the books that changed you! 





Weekly Book Love

On Friday’s on my Instagram page, I do a post called “Book Fact Friday” its one of my favorite posts. But doing that got me thinking why don’t I come up with other days to share my love for books.  


Wish list Monday. A picture of a book I have on my wish list. 


Temptation Tuesday. Sharing the love of someone else’s picture because you’re tempted to buy that book. Spread the book love is what Tuesday is all about. 


Word Wednesday. My name is Rewarded with Words. Wednesday will be a little nerdy wordy fun. 


Photo Theme Thursday. Pictures of books that have similar themes (paranormal, erotica, historical fiction, etc) 


Book Fact Friday. I will be posting facts from past and present. I have a little twist in store. 


Saturday Scenery. I took this from my books in the wild challenge, because I loved doing it. 


Booktacular Sunday! Its the last day of the book week! I will share my weekly reads. Take pictures of books I love. Anything is possible with a Booktacular Sunday. 

If you’d like to join in or would like to follow me on Instagram  I would love to see your bookish pictures!