Weekly Book Love

On Friday’s on my Instagram page, I do a post called “Book Fact Friday” its one of my favorite posts. But doing that got me thinking why don’t I come up with other days to share my love for books.  


Wish list Monday. A picture of a book I have on my wish list. 


Temptation Tuesday. Sharing the love of someone else’s picture because you’re tempted to buy that book. Spread the book love is what Tuesday is all about. 


Word Wednesday. My name is Rewarded with Words. Wednesday will be a little nerdy wordy fun. 


Photo Theme Thursday. Pictures of books that have similar themes (paranormal, erotica, historical fiction, etc) 


Book Fact Friday. I will be posting facts from past and present. I have a little twist in store. 


Saturday Scenery. I took this from my books in the wild challenge, because I loved doing it. 


Booktacular Sunday! Its the last day of the book week! I will share my weekly reads. Take pictures of books I love. Anything is possible with a Booktacular Sunday. 

If you’d like to join in or would like to follow me on Instagram  I would love to see your bookish pictures!